ESG: complex challenges and business opportunities

2024. April 02.
ESG: komplex kihívások és üzleti lehetőségek

On 28 March, we held our event "Sustainability as the key to the future", where the speaker was Gábor Lévai, CEO of Green Brands Hungary and co-founder of Scale Impact. The presentation, held in the Nagyerdei Water Tower, primarily for representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises in Debrecen, focused on the ESG framework and the obligations and opportunities imposed by the recently adopted ESG law. In his introduction, Gábor Lévai presented the complex challenges facing today's society and the business sector as a whole. Huge changes are taking place in parallel, several of which may affect the business world at the same time. For example, all sectors of the economy are affected, directly or indirectly, by the process of climate adaptation, and recent crises have highlighted the extent to which economic sectors are dependent on natural systems. Gábor Lévai stressed that the ESG framework is not about mandatory reporting, but about a change of mindset that draws attention to the impact of companies on the environment and society. The presentation highlighted that the seventeen sustainability goals set by the UN also represent a business potential and innovation opportunity for companies. These are problem areas that can no longer be solved by donations alone, and we need to find scalable solutions financed by business investment. Gábor Lévai also said that while the ESG law regulates data reporting and provides a risk assessment framework for financial institutions from the top, starting from the largest companies, the voluntary commitments of companies encourage a shift towards sustainability from the bottom up. 



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