Art is Business awards presented

2023. December 16.
Átadták az Art is Business-díjakat

One of Hungary's most important initiatives is the Art is Business awards, which celebrates the sustainability of culture and the cooperation between the for-profit and the arts sector. In 2023, for the fifth time, artists and companies who actively promote the sustainability of culture are recognised. We were delighted to attend the awards ceremony at the National Dance Theatre, where the following value-creators were honoured with the Art is Business 2023 awards: 

Corporate category: Káli Art Inn 

Corporate Project Category: Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Innovative Art Initiative: Eva Duda Company

For-profit patronage category: József Sófi biologist

Responsible Corporate Manager: Zoltán Gazsi, Managing Director of Eisberg Hungary

Congratulations for the awards!

If you or your company is also interested in sustainable culture, if you have a project in this field or would like to develop a joint project with us, please contact us and let's think together!

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